
Showing posts from July, 2017

~LEO~August 1 to 15, 2017~LOVE~Tarot Reading***Overwhelming Happiness?***

~GEMINI~August 1 to 15, 2017~LOVE~Tarot Reading***

~CAPRICORN~ August 1 to 15, 2017~LOVE~Tarot Reading***Not So Sure***

Taurus August 1st to 15th Love Reading

Cancer August 1 to 15th 2017 Love Reading

Cancer August 1 to 15th 2017 Love Reading

Price Increase August 1, 2017

Number Signs by Soul Source Tarot

~ARIES~July 15 to 31st***LOVE***Tarot Reading***Letting Go***

Pisces July 15th to 31, 2017 LOVE Reading

Aquarius July 13th to 31st Love reading

Capricorn JULY Love Reading

Virgo July 12th to 31st Love Reading

LEO July 12th to 31, 2017 LOVE Reading


Gemini July 11 to 31st Love Reading

Scorpio July 11th to 31st Love Reading

~TAURUS~JULY 10th to 31st ***LOVE***Tarot Reading*** DESTINY***

Libra July 10th to 31st Love Reading


Virgo July 001

~GEMINI~JULY 1st to 15th***LOVE***Tarot Reading*** Free Yourself***

~CAPRICORN~JULY 1st to 15th***LOVE***Tarot Reading***Angels & Demons***

Cancer 07 3 002

Aries July 001

Taurus Full Moon 002